We came together upon recognising a lack of obtainable information and long term initiatives concerning the historical and contemporary practices originating in or relating to Afghanistan.
Through gathering art histories, contextualising practices, and creating a professional network – we aim to establish critical resources that will aid in understanding the past and equip the current generation of artists and cultural practitioners both in and out of the country.
Through gathering art histories, contextualising practices, and creating a professional network – we aim to establish critical resources that will aid in understanding the past and equip the current generation of artists and cultural practitioners both in and out of the country.
Visual Arts
& History
is an independent
and global
research collective
and multimedia platform
Our contributors are
- artists
- art historians
- curators
- art world professionals
- writers
- and creatives
covering Afghan Visual Culture, inclusive of its diaspora and minorities.AVAH Contributors engage critically with Afghan and Afghan-diasporic themes at the nexus of mainly visual culture, but also post-colonial theory, gender and minority-inclusive politics, history and cultural production and practices in a broader sense.

AVAH aims to research, curate, collaborate and mediate
matters and materials
on Afghan visual culture, arts and history.
matters and materials
on Afghan visual culture, arts and history.
some past projects:
June-September 2023
Childhood(s) (curating and art mediation)
group show at Haus Coburg/Städtische Galerie Delmenhorst, Germany
December 2022
Fragmented Memory: Unearthing Film History in Afghanistan (session)
in collaboration with Independent Cinema Office at BFI Southbank London, UK
August 2022
Research and Collaboration for an episode on looted art from Afghanistan
for the podcast series “Akte:Raubkunst?” by ARD Kultur
August 2022
Film programme and conversation in response
to the exhibition “Above us the Milky Way” at Void gallery in Derry, Ireland
July 2022
Nabila, was machst du hier? (interview) with Nabila Horakhsh
for the 62th journal of Lerchenfeld by hfbk Hamburg, Germany
June 2022
Countering Fragmentation(workshop)
with Shahrbanoo Sadat and Rahraw Omarzad at HKW Berlin, Germany
May 2022
Ereignisse entlang einer Rüstung (interview) with Kuba Khademi
in response to the show “Walk” at Schirn Kunsthalle in Frankfurt, Germany
April 2022
Contemporary Art Workshop with Afghan youth
at Simurgh Centre in New Delhi, India
March 2022
Death Starts from Toes (artist talk) with Orna Kazimi and Mohammad Sabir
in response to Hayv Kahraman’s solo-show at Mosaic Rooms in London, UK
December 2021
Art for Afghans (online art sale and fundraiser for Afghanistan)
curated by AVAH in collaboration with Marcaz Projects
November 2021
Decentralized: Digital Creative Collectives and Online Archiving
(virtual roundtable) curated by AVAH for Miilkiina.com
November 2021
AFGHAN GLITCH (online exhibition) with Morteza Herati
curated by AVAH for deconfine 2021, Media Art South Asia